Episode 15 – On Longtermness – 49 Years And Counting!

Our dear friends Bobbi and Steve Siglbaum (lifelong activists/educators and all-around amazing people) join us to share their story of nearly 49 years of marriage – what sustains them through hard times, what they feel is most important in a longterm partnership, what they tell their grandkids about love and sex, and much more. Respect + Passion FTW!! We discuss our thoughts on making longterm commitments in light of how most partnerships end up not being longterm in the ways they were originally envisioned to be. And we dig into how much society works to make sure we don’t experience physical pleasure and how to work against that. Stephanie sings Sondheim, Dave talks about homophobia in the NFL. Plus a song rooted in empathy from BONOBONOBONOBO.

Listen to Episode 15

Episode 14 – The Good, The Bad, and The Casual

Casual sex can be difficult to talk about rationally because there is so much stigma around having too much of it or, on the flip side, not enough of it. Our guest Dr. Zhana’s research looks empirically at the connections between casual sex and well-being so we can transcend those stigmas and make more clearheaded choices about all this. She shares details about her research and what drives her in her work, and we soapbox about treating partners with respect, however casual or serious the encounter. How do you discern whether or not casual sex is right for you? How do you really get what you want from dating sites like Tinder? Is it better to have one night stands or friends with benefits? These questions and more, plus an anthem about sexuality from a place of wholeness from BONOBONOBONOBO!

listen to Episode 14