BDSM guru, activist/performer/writer/woman of many talents: Mollena Williams shares about her renewed hope in love in a full-time master/slave relationship, and her journey with owning her power as a submissive. Boundaries and communication in consensual power play! The many grey areas of consent! The many many complexities of power play and race/class/gender/etc/etc/etc! We collectively address listener questions including: How do you break into BDSM culture? How can a new submissive be sure not to be taken advantage of? If your friend is in a new full-time master/slave relationship and asks you to cc their partner on every email and text (and you’d much rather not do that), does that make your friend a bad kinkster or does that mean that you are a bad friend? Plus, we dish on Fifty Shades of Grey, and Mollena gives a call to action about making new/better kink-focused art.
As always, we’re glad and grateful to be in conversation with all of you! Email us at to let us know your questions/objections/ideas anytime.
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